Saturday, April 08, 2006

Sex and the underpriviledged

Just came back from a talk on campus.
Colleague invited scholar from Baptist University (Dr Kwan Kai-man) to the University in delivering on topic related to sex (pre-marital sex, gay and lesbian). This is the first time I attended talk of this kind that analyzed the issue corresponded to Utilitarianism, Deontology and Intuitionism.

The target audiences are Pre-AD students who mostly left high school last year. Therefore, I am impressed by the way of presentation that the speaker used throughout the whole talk. Audiences were attracted so that they wouldn’t get into the topic with prior perception or judgment.

One thing that left in my impression:
On the topic of pre-marital sex, it touched on the issue of adoption. According to medical information, baby in the mother’s womb has already grown up with different organs and able to breath. In other words, it’s a human being. Voluntary groups always fight for the right of the under-privileged. Dr Kwan said : “May be the most under-privileged group are these babies. They were killed without being able to say a word.”

Well, insightful.

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